Concept-Based Curriculum for 3-D Teaching

Our Signature Teacher Tool:

Click anywhere on the image to access any of over 2000 lessons indexed by concept. Specify exactly what you need from 19 menus and 800 options. Download and print within minutes.



Information, facts: the “What” of higher-order thinking


Transferable Concepts

Generic to a wide variety (“all”) content: The keys to higher-order thinking


Skills and processes

How concepts are combined with content in higher-order thinking


A New Foundation:

180 transferable, cross-cutting concepts to anchor higher-order thinking in all science for all students, all classrooms.

Concepts cognitively and developmentally defined and organized to make sense of any content for any student by any teacher.

Thousands of hands-on/minds-on lessons written by creative teachers like you, freely shared and easily accessed online.

A captivating vision, one you can reach out and touch, immerses you in minute detail and enormous scale of what’s possible in a classroom, any classroom.

Taking Education to a Higher Level.

Barley Education Associates is a group of master teachers dedicated to developing the three-dimensional (3-D) model of curriculum, teaching, and learning, starting with science.

Barley Education Associates LLC